I have participated in "Teach-nology" online community through their content specific math forum. This forum is used by teachers to share successes in teaching, to ask for help on specific mathematical problems, or to pass along what they felt was a great lesson plan. I find it to sometimes be a little cumbersome to review as it is not grade specific so the math ranges from elementary to advanced high school class topics. The most beneficial part of being a member of this online community is simply reading and learning what others teacher have found to work to see how I can incorporate other ideas in my classroom so that each student is met on their level paying attention to all the various learning styles and learning differences.
TeAchnology also has a seperate forum for new teachers that has some interesting posts. With thier large membership and various threads on all the avaible forums, one is bound to find somehing interesting or useful to their own specifc teaching career or content area. Visit the TeAchnology website to see what you can find to assist you in your teacher career!
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