Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Educational Philosophy Video

This is a project was done for class where I captured my educational philosophy in under 2 minutes. This video is an introduction to my philosophy.

This video project was my attempt to convey those things I feel strongly about in regards to education and specifically mathematics education. Reducing my philosophy into about 1 minute was a difficult assignment as I really was forced to weigh out what I felt was most important to begin with and what priority certain truths held over others. As I worked through this struggle, I feel that I have come to a pointed, concise introduction to my philosophy that accurately shows who I am and what is important to me. My only regret for this project is the inability to capture my students photographs to make this video more personal. I am currently still awaiting approval to photograph along with the list of names of students who cannot have their photograph published.

How will I use a project like this in the classroom?

In a similar fashion, students this spring will complete a video project. My host teacher has had students build poster boards in the past using systems of equations to solve certain problems. This year we hope to work together and utilize the students 1 to 1 laptops for them to take the project digital. In doing so, shy kids will have the ability to let their creativity manifest without the fear of public speaking. Instead, a video is started. A digital story/project like this will accentuate students learning as we continually tie their knowledge with technology.